Zespół Szkół nr 4 in Jasło ( Ekonomik )

About School

Why should you choose Ekonomik in Jasło? You have to know this!
This is our school’s concept!

The School’s Mission:

  • teaching and nurturing timeless and universal moral, ethical and patriotic values
  • modern teaching
  • cooperation with local institutions in order to enhance the quality of education and upbringing

Zespół Szkół nr 4 in Jasło:

  • is a safe, fair school
  • creates good atmosphere and cooperation
  • provides the intellectual development possibilities for each student
  • prepares students to function in the modern world
  • develops communication and decision making abilities
  • teaches responsibility
  • enables further education
  • is well-equipped
  • is constantly developing
  • there are very good teachers and form teachers
  • provides help and care
  • cooperates with institutions in the region, the country and the world
  • has a perfect teaching quality
  • provides interesting extracurricular activities
  • implements modern technologies.

The School’s strengths:

  • high level of education
  • well-qualified and competent teaching staff
  • high results at Matura Exam 100% and professional exams 98%
  • very high assessment results conducted by external school inspectors
  • very high placing in “The Secondary Schools’ Ranking” – 1st place in Jasło County, 2nd place in Podkarpacie, 24th place in the country
  • attractive extracurricular activities
  • friendly atmosphere
  • the methods of teaching adjusted to academically able and weak pupils
  • high level of Information Technology education
  • the possibility of taking part in the international project: The School of New Technologies run by Microsoft Company
  • the possibility of taking part in numerous contests, competitions, tournaments
  • the possibility of free trips as a part of programs and projects to European Union, to partnership schools in Germany, Denmark, France, Hungary and Italy
  • the school has received “Szkoła z klasą” certificate
  • our school being the only one in Jasło County has facilities for the disabled
  • the school fulfills the programs which were titled and award-winning by Education Department in Rzeszów and which are adjusted to students and parents needs
  • the school takes care of intellectual and physical development of students, teaches creative thinking, helps to gain confidence, prepares students to future work
  • there is Educational Association at school which supports social initiatives, helps students in difficult life and financial situations

"All of you know this characteristic building of Ekonomik in Jasło. Those, who had a chance to be in this school, unanimously claim that there is a perfect atmosphere and a high level of education. I personally encourage you to join this school community. Feel welcome to join us."

The School’s Headmaster
Robert Niemiec, MA

The School’s History

The School’s history is very long and interesting. It is hard to believe that the building is one hundred years old.

It was built in 1905 as a single-sex primary school ( only for boys ). Unfortunately, it was seriously destroyed in 1944. The ground floor and the first floor classrooms were completely burnt down, the roof was totally destroyed. The building was rebuilt during 1945-1946.

The first headmaster of the school was Jan Mrozek. On the 1st September 1961 the first economic technical college and business college were opened. Eighty nine schoolgirls and six schoolboys began learning in two first classes of technical college and forty six schoolgirls in one class of business college.

On the 1st September 1962 the school began working independently, that is why this date is considered to be the official date of the school’s inception.

In the years 1963-1965 the school was renovated. The building was rebuilt, new windows were installed, the door, floors, lightning and plumbing were exchanged for a new one. In the fifth anniversary in 1966, the school was given the name of Oskar Lange (a famous economist). It was developing very quickly, its status was very strong. Apart from creating very high learning and teaching standards, the school was gaining new teaching aids and classroom equipment. There were a lot of extracurricular activities, whose members were taking part in numerous contests. The teaching staff was of a great importance to the school’s strong position. There were seven competent teachers working in the school at that time.

The first students of Business College graduated from school in 1964, the students from technical college graduated in 1966. Then new students, teachers and headmasters appeared. All of them were implementing their new ideas creating the modern school’s history.


  • Saarland
  • Sevilla
  • Camposampiero
  • Aabenraa
  • La Salette

The groups of twenty students from our school have visited French La Salette Sanctuary four times. The aim of the trips was the improvement of French language skills, learning through work, integration and getting to know French culture and tourist attractions of the south of France. The students managed to fulfill all their responsibilities and decorously represented both our school and the country. At the end all of them received traineeship certificates.

During the days off the young volunteers and their teachers were visiting places of interest, trekking in the mountains and admiring picturesque alpine views.

The growing interest in French language among the teenagers is a consequence of cooperation and the visits to France, being a part of “The youth for Europe” (Młodzież dla Europy) program.

  • Bochum
  • Makó


Zespół Szkół nr 4 w Jaśle
ul. Sokoła 6, 38-200 Jasło
(+48) 13 44 63 469
(+48) 13 44 64 403